Big O Academy

Master Big O notation & algorithmic time complexity

Big O abstract image

Big O Academy


Explore the fundamentals of Big O notation and algorithmic time complexity with our comprehensive fundamental course. Designed specifically for software engineers preparing for technical interviews, our structured learning path takes you from the basics to advanced concepts.

Illustration for Learn
Illustration for Remember


Reference the Big O notation cheatsheet, to quickly access common time complexities and their practical applications. We've compiled the most frequently encountered algorithms and data structures, complete with their space and time complexity analysis.

Cheat Sheet


Test your knowledge against practice problems each selected from common technical interview scenarios. Identify Big O notation with real code examples. (Requires an iOS device.)

Illustration for Practice

Big O Matters

Be prepared for technical interviews

Too many candidates struggle with algorithmic time complexity. Big O notation is a fundamental concept that every software engineer should understand. It's not just about passing technical interviews; it's about writing efficient code that scales.

Technical Interviews

Understanding time complexity helps you discuss and optimize your solutions effectively during technical interviews.

Code Efficiency

Writing efficient code requires understanding Big O notation. It helps you make better decisions about data structures and algorithms.

System Design

When designing scalable systems, Big O helps you predict how your solution will perform as the data size grows, ensuring your architecture remains efficient.

Career Growth

Companies value engineers who can write performant code. Strong knowledge of algorithmic complexity sets you apart in your software engineering career.

Real Developer Stories

Don't just take our word for it - see what the developer community is saying about Big O



Failed to get a job twice because of Big O

A real developer's story of struggling with technical interviews due to Big O notation concepts, highlighting why mastering these fundamentals is crucial for job success.

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Why does Big O notation come up so often in front end interviews?

Even front-end developers face Big O questions in interviews. Understanding time complexity isn't just for backend - it's becoming a universal requirement.

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Don't let Big O notation hold back your career. Start mastering it today.

Big O Academy